Page 5 - Tingle Genealogy - Mary Alyce List Tingle Part 1
P. 5
---:-"-:~ . ;· ·~· ' . . ' ,, . TINGLE MEMORIES Since so ffia.ny .of the Tingles settled on Drennon Creek, I think the · history of Drennon should be included in the family tree. '~ \ ---.._----Cr~enberry Tingle lived where Sue and Wayne Shryock now live. There ·----... was a.n old mill that he used to grind oorn for meal, during the time the military academy was on the Drennon Hill. Harold Barton Tingle owns a mill token used by Greenberry Tingle while he .was running the mill during this period. James Tingle owned property on both 'sides of the creek where Earl Holmes lives. Lego Tingle later owned and farmed this land. There is a hole of water on Drennon Creek that is known as the Susan Jane Tingle's Hole of Water. It was named such because she owned land adjacent to this water the land being given to her by her father, Green- berry Tingle. During the Civil War there was a group organized te> protect the peo~le •. · ::~ - - 1 .. · While they were meeti!!B' ___ in the Courthouse in New Castle, a message came that an enemy group was coming. They all fled, some on horses and. some on foot. Later a poem was written about each of the disbanded group. Part of it was: t The tallest running that was wer done Was by Greenberry Tingle's eldest son. He was William Littleton Tingle, grandfather of Harold Barton Tingle. - William Littleton Tingle was_lmown as "Long Bill -Tingle"- -and James, hie?brother wa~ -im~wn as::i:·~~~~~ling Jim." . . . -~ : ... . •. . >~~~~~-~~~(''\;:~~~~~~.:,: ·~ ·~ 5 . '• ._1::·. ------=============:::=:============------ ---_;,__ ___ __ ,
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